354 deaths and 18 thousand infections in America the day

354 deaths and 18,000 one day corona infection
From America

The United States recorded a record of 354 deaths and 18,000 cases of corona in one day.

The American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had detected, earlier Friday, 85,356 cases of coronavirus, an increase of 16,916 cases over the previous census, and said that the total deaths had increased to 1,246, an increase of 252 cases.

The centers reported that this was the total of cases recorded as of 4 pm EST on Thursday, March 26, compared to the number it announced a day earlier.

The numbers of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention do not necessarily reflect the cases recorded in individual states, according to Reuters.

The United States passed China with more than 85,000 cases, and Italy also exceeded 80,000 cases, and the three countries account for nearly half of the infections in the world of the new virus.

Washington DC confirmed 36 new cases, Thursday, taking the total to 267. The area is in an emergency, major attractions such as the Smithsonian Museums and National Zoo have been closed, and White House and Capitol tours have been canceled. Police also closed streets, bridges, and traffic circles to prevent crowds from coming to see the cherry blossom trees open in Washington.

In New York, the number of victims jumped by 100 in one day, taking the number to 385, according to Governor Andrew Como. He added that experts expect the number to rise with the exposure of seriously ill patients who have been on ventilators for several days to infection with the virus.

The New York Times reported on Friday that the United States, with a population of 300 million, now has the highest number of confirmed infections with the emerging coronavirus in the world, according to a special census based on data compiled by the newspaper.

From America
From America

And American hospitals have reported receiving large numbers of people infected with the Coronavirus, which exceeds their capabilities, while 40 percent of Americans are under orders to adhere to their homes to slow the spread of the virus.

Experts say the number of new infections in the United States indicates an expected rise in the number of Americans who will die, and the actual number of injuries could be much higher than the official number due to the severe shortage of means of testing.

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