cupcake recipes chocolate chip

chocolate chip cupcakes
cupcake recipes chocolate chip

chocolate chip cupcakes

Duration of preparation   Fifteen minutes 
Cooking time  Forty minutes
Enough for me  Five people


  • Four eggs.
  • A teaspoon of vanilla, and baking powder.
  • Five hundred grams of whipping cream and sliced dark chocolate.
  • Two hundred and fifty grams of butter and dark chocolate.
  • One hundred and twenty-five grams of flour, sugar.
  • Pinch of salt.
  • Pinch of colored chocolate.

How to prepare

  • Melt the chocolate and butter, then put the mixture aside until it becomes cold.
  • Mix the sugar and eggs until the mixture becomes creamy and light, then add vanilla.
  • Sift: salt, baking powder, and flour, then add the mixture to the egg mixture, then add the chocolate mixture and stir it.
  • Put the dough into paper cupcake molds, put it in the oven and bake it at a temperature of one hundred and sixty-five degrees Celsius, for twenty minutes, then put the cupcake until it became cold.
  • Boil the cream, then pour it on the sliced ​​chocolate and stir the ingredients until the chocolate is melted, then put the mixture until it becomes cold, to form the ganache.
  • Put the ganache over the cupcake face, then decorate it with colored chocolate.

cupcakes with chocolate sauce

cupcakes with chocolate sauce

Duration of preparation   Thirteen minutes 
Cooking time  Twenty minutes
Enough for me  Eight people


Cake mix ingredients:

  • Two eggs.
  • A teaspoon of liquid vanilla, and soft cardamom.
  • Half a teaspoon of salt, and baking powder.
  • Spoon and three-quarters of a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate.
  • A cup of fine-grained sugar.
  • Half a cup of corn oil.
  • A cup and a half of milk.
  • Three-quarters of a cup of plain cocoa powder.
  • A cup and a quarter cup of flour.

Coverage components:

  • Two cups of finely powdered sugar.
  • A quarter cup of milk, and plain cocoa powder.
  • A quarter of a teaspoon of liquid vanilla.

For decorating:

  • Chocolate.

How to prepare

  • Heat the oven at a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees Celsius, and install the mesh rack in the center of the oven.
  • Bring large cake molds, and place paper cups on the bottom.

Preparing the cake mixture:

  • Put milk, vanilla, corn oil, flour, cocoa powder, sodium bicarbonate, salt, cardamom, sugar and eggs in the mixer bowl, fix the net racket, then run the mixer on average speed for three minutes, and distribute the mixture in the cups until Two-thirds are filled.
  • Insert the molds into the oven for thirty minutes until the cake is cooked, and test its maturity, then remove the cake from the oven and leave it in the molds until it becomes completely cold, then remove the paper cups from the cake pieces.
  • Hold a piece of cake and wipe its surface with the covering sauce, and the sauce can be distributed using a teaspoon.
  • Sprinkle a small amount of chocolate with a vegetable grinder with wide holes.

Prepare the coverage:

  • Put vanilla, sugar, powder, and milk in a deep dish, mix the ingredients using a fork to get a homogeneous mixture, then use it directly.

Cupcake with Nutella

Cupcake with Nutella

Duration of preparation   Ten minutes 
Cooking time  Twenty six minutes 
Enough for me  Six people


  • One hundred grams of caster sugar.
  • Seventy grams of butter.
  • Two eggs.
  • Twenty grams of grapeseed oil.
  • The text of a cup of roasted hazelnuts for decoration.
  • Three grams of coarse salt.
  • Seventy grams of curd.
  • Fifty grams of Nutella.
  • Ninety grams of cocoa powder.
  • Eighty grams of cake flour.
  • Cup and a half of the ready-made vanilla cream placed in a confectionery bag.
  • Three grams of baking powder.
  • Half a cup of Nutella.

How to prepare

  • Whisk the sugar and butter until turned into cream, then add the two eggs and mix for three minutes.
  • Pour the oil and yogurt and mix for five minutes.
  • Add the Nutella and mix it until completely mixed, then add the cocoa powder, cake flour, salt, and baking powder and mix it for forty-five seconds.
  • Transfer the mixture to a cupcake mold that is wrapped with cupcake paper and baked for twenty-six minutes at a temperature of 170 ° C.
  • Sew a circular slicer in the middle of the cupcake piece and lift it so that the filling comes out to form an opening in the middle and fill it with melted Nutella, then distribute vanilla cream using a bag of confectionery in a circular shape on the surface of the cupcake and sprinkle the pieces in the biscuit crumbs.

Cupcake with small chocolate bars

Cupcake with small chocolate bars

Duration of preparation   Fifteen minutes 
Cooking time  Fifteen minutes
Enough for me  Ten people


  • an egg.
  • Two teaspoons of baking powder.
  • A cup and a half of flour.
  • A cup of each of:
  • Small chocolate bars.
  • the milk.
  • Sugar.
  • Half a cup of Mazola oil.
  • Pinch of salt.

How to prepare

  • Mix each of oil, eggs, and sugar, then add: milk, flour gradually, salt, baking powder, and mix the ingredients together, then add the chocolate bars.
  • Pour the mixture into molds, and place the molds in the oven at a temperature of one hundred and seventy degrees Celsius for ten to fifteen minutes.

cupcake chocolate and nuts

cupcake chocolate and nuts

Duration of preparation   Fifteen minutes 
Cooking time  Thirty-six people 


  • Half a cup of butter.
  • A third of a cup of cocoa powder.
  • Three-quarters of a cup of yogurt.
  • A cup of flour.
  • Half a teaspoon of baking soda.
  • A quarter of a teaspoon of salt.
  • A cup of sugar.
  • Two tablespoons of fine ground walnuts.
  • A quarter of a teaspoon of liquid vanilla.
  • A large egg.
  • Melted chocolate and a true walnut for garnish.

How to prepare

  • Heat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees, bring small cupcake molds and line them with paper cups.
  • Put the butter, yogurt, and cocoa in a small pot and put the pot over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the butter melts and the mixture becomes smooth and smooth.
  • Sieve the flour, baking soda, and salt in a deep bowl.
  • Put the sugar, flour mixture, and groundnut in a bowl, and whisk for several seconds to mix the materials.
  • Add eggs and vanilla, and turn the whisk, then add the butter and cocoa mixture while continuing to run the whisk at medium speed for one minute until the mixture becomes homogeneous.
  • Distribute the mixture in the molds to fill only two thirds.
  •  Insert the cake into the oven for fifteen minutes until it is completely cooked.
  • Take the cake out of the oven, leave it to cool completely, and then discard the paper cups.
  • Put the melted chocolate in a deep dish, put the cake pieces in the melted chocolate, and stir lightly to cover an abundant layer of chocolate.
  • Raise the cake from the chocolate, put it on a metal mesh, and sprinkle the nuts directly to stick with the chocolate.
  • Leave the cake to cool completely and hold the chocolate, then sprinkle a little sugar and serve directly.

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